Business Domains


  • Specialty Crops: Focus on high-value crops and their specific characteristics, such as grape-vine, agave, medicinal and industrial cannabis, salt-tolerant crops.
  • Biotic and Abiotic Stress: Pre- and post-symptomatic detection of diseases; optimisation of the use of resources (e.g., fertilisation, water) on the basis of the actual metabolism.
  • Characteristic Features: Evaluation of quality-giving properties (e.g., variety, sex, degree of maturity, harvest time) and product traceability.


  • Entire Value Chain: Products and services in production, processing, wholesale and retail.
  • General Characteristic Features: Origin, freshness, organic production, nutritional value.
  • Specific Characteristic Features: Smoke taint in grapes, THC and CBD in cannabis.


  • Consumer-centred Sensing: Affordable and easy-to-use mobile devices and services - anywhere, anytime.
  • Individual Product Advice: Recommendation of personalised care products in cosmetics.
  • Real-time Information: Detection of biochemical compounds for qualitative and quantitative assessment in the context of nutritional advice, stress detection, and beyond.


  • New Legislation and Consumer Behaviour: Proof of origin and compliance with minimum standards along the entire goods and supply chain.
  • Natural Markers or Artificial Features: Secure, easy-to-use, and cost-effective methods of authentication, traceability, and documentation.
  • All Kind of Trades: Commodities, industrial goods, consumer products.